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    Assessment Services

    Inquiry Psychological Services, LLC. provides a variety of comprehensive psychological assessment services that are individually tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients.

    Autism - Pediatric & Adult

    Autism awareness is at an all-time high, widely discussed by the medical community, media outlets, concerned parents and society in general. While autism may appear to be more widespread today than decades ago, experts believe the increase in diagnoses is due to greater awareness of autism and its signs and symptoms.

    Autism is a neurodivergence and no two individuals experience autism in the same way. A comprehensive autism evaluation can assist with providing you or your child with recommendations to best manage the symptoms that may be interfering with success and embrace the strengths that autism can provide.

    An autism evaluation can help turn what was once considered a disorder into a superpower.

    Here at Inquiry Psychological Services, LLC., we embrace the gold-standard assessment protocol for Autism, including the ADOS-2 and/or the ADI-R, in addition to other scientifically-supported assessment measures to provide a comprehensive evaluation that will inform and guide treatment services.

    Fitness For Duty

    Fitness for Duty (FFD) evaluations assess a person’s mental health or neurocognitive abilities relative to a specific job. For example, police and armed security officers (PA Act 120 & 235) are often required to complete FFD evaluations prior to employment.

    Forensic Evaluations

    Forensic psychology is a specialty in psychology that intends to provide psychological expertise within a legal or judicial context. Dr. Pacyon offers psychological and neuropsychological evaluations to assess mental health, neurodevelopmental and neurocognitive issues related to civil or criminal matters.

    Neuropsychological Evaluations

    Neuropsychological evaluations are extensive and comprehensive assessments of an individual’s neurocognitive abilities and overall mental health. Domains assessed during a neuropsychological evaluation often include but are not limited to intellectual ability, academic achievement, attention and concentration, short-term and long-term memory, sensory perception, receptive and expressive language, perceptual-motor functioning, and emotional wellbeing.

    The evaluation starts with a clinical interview and, if applicable, a record review to better understand what you are struggling with. Then, Dr. Pacyon will develop a collaborative and tailored assessment plan to help answer your specific questions. Neuropsychological assessment is extensive and will require one to two full days in the office.

    Psychoeducational Evaluations

    Psychoeducational evaluations are targeted assessments to examine academic strengths as well as weaknesses with the purpose of providing a comprehensive and tailored treatment plan or assistance with the establishment of an IEP.

    Furthermore, many students, from grade school to grad school, seek psychoeducational evaluations to determine if they would benefit from academic accommodations in school, college, or for standardized testing.


    There are many websites out there today that claim to be able to diagnose you with ADHD in a matter of minutes. But ADHD is complex and it can be easy to misdiagnose. Furthermore, everyone experiences ADHD differently and no two presentations of ADHD are exactly alike.

    Inquiry Psychological Services, LLC provides in-depth assessment designed to not only examine ADHD, but also other mental health concerns that commonly mimic ADHD, such as anxiety. Our assessments take hours, not minutes – after all, this is your mental health journey and you deserve a comprehensive diagnostic assessment.

    Upon conclusion of the assessment, you will receive a tailored treatment plan that will give you a sense of direction and will put you in the driver’s seat to take control of your ADHD and channel it into the “super power” that it can be.

    Reach out to us today!

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    I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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